Markets must contribute to national agenda

A one-day seminar hosted by the National Association of British Market Authorities focused on the role of UK markets in contributing to the nation’s healthy-eating agenda.

A panel of experts included chairman, Krys Zasada, head of markets at Manchester City Council, Mike Tiddy, known most recently for his work with the DoH’s school fruit and vegetable scheme, and Gillian Kynoch, Scottish food and health co-ordinator.

NABMA chief executive Graham Wilson said: “The one day seminar enabled us to hear from various organisations with which we have had no previous involvement. Time and again emphasis was placed on the potential for partnership arrangements and we must ensure that markets are no longer insular but embrace the opportunities for engagement with public health, regeneration and food organisations so that we can take our place as an important contributor to the healthy eating campaign.

“It was clear…that we need to grasp the opportunity that is presented by this agenda to promote the value of markets and ensure that markets play an important role in the food chain.

“There are a number of practical things that all NABMA members should be considering and a starting point should be to sign up to the 5 A DAY campaign, which is already well established.

“Much was made during the seminar of the need to raise awareness in schools of healthy eating and one way of doing this and coupling it with markets promotion is to invite school groups to the market to give them a tour of what is on offer, emphasising the importance of fresh food to markets and how it gets from producers to markets. Some NABMA members already organise such visits and with the right publicity material it can act as an incentive for families to use markets."
