The Fresh Produce Consortium is consulting with its membership on marketing standards in advance of revised EC regulation 1221/2008 coming into force on July 1.

The specific marketing standards will be reduced from 36 to 10 products: apples; citrus; kiwifruit; lettuces, curled leaved and broad leaved endives; peaches and nectarines; pears; strawberries; sweet peppers; table grapes and tomatoes.

A General Marketing Standard will apply to all other fresh produce not covered by the Specific Marketing Standard and which will require an extended product range to be entered onto DEFRA’s PEACH system. The consultation papers can be found at:

FPC will be co-ordinating an industry response on behalf of members.

FPC ceo Nigel Jenney said: “There is a considerable lack of detail regarding aspects. In particular, the key areas where we would like your feedback are on risk-based assessment systems and the proposed extension of the approved trader scheme, the cost and benefits to the industry.”

FPC needs to hear from members with their views on the standards by April 17.