Market cashier makes musical appeal

Market cashier makes musical appeal

Market cashier makes musical appeal

A cashier at New Spitalfields Market is appealing for musical instruments that he will be able to take to Kenyan orphans when he visits them with his wife at Christmas.

Gary and Karen Hiett have been sending pens, pencils and paper, as well as second-hand clothes and toys, to the God Our Father Home for Needy Children, in Malindi, since they visited the Christian orphanage on a day trip whilst on holiday last year.

The couple sent Christmas presents to the children last year but, following delays related to the postal service, the orphanage did not receive the gifts until May.

This year, the Hietts will fly out to Kenya on December 22 to take the children their presents in person.

Gary Hiett, who works for JT Kemsley, told FPJ: “We wanted to do something to help, and we were told the orphanage would appreciate pens, paper and practical items, rather than cash donations.

“While we were there, the children sang to us using pots and pans as an accompaniment, so we thought it would be a good idea to take over musical instruments for them.”

Mama Susan, who runs the centre, is also in need of a laptop to allow her to operate the orphanage effectively.

The God Our Father Home for Needy Children looked after 33 children when the Hietts first visited, and this number has since jumped to 58, with plans to build accommodation for 200 children underway.

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