Malet Azoulay has received its first delivery of Fairtrade avocados from Katopé in South Africa. This fruit represents the initiation of the Spalding based company’s long term Fairtrade strategy.
“Following the certification of the first of Katopé’s farms in South Africa it has been good to see all their hard work translated into reality” said Alan Forrester, business unit director. “The fruit is of a very high standard, a direct reflection of our strategy to ensure quality, continuity and full due diligence in all our Fairtrade initiatives”.
This initial farm certification is the first of four Katopé farms that will be certified in 2004, further broadening the Fairtrade product basket.
Working with the Fairtrade Foundation, it is Malet Azoulay’s intention to further develop its Fairtrade grower base throughout the world to expand its products and their seasonality.
“It is both motivating and exciting to see small and medium size growers embrace the principles of Fairtrade, delivering tangible benefits back to their communities. Together with our selected grower partners, who take a pride in the quality of their produce, we will provide extended and reliable product continuity,” said Forrester.
In South Africa, capital projects such as the development of a community centre with doctors’ consulting rooms are being progressed by Katopé. In Brazil the group of growers working with the company has decided that mobile dental facilities and water purification would be the best option to improve the health care of their villagers.
“Whilst delivering community benefits expansion of the Fairtrade market will be achieved by ensuring that consumers are happy to buy and continue to buy Fairtrade products on the basis of consistent quality and flavour,” said Forrester.