Welcome to FPJ’s first ever dedicated digital issue, where we examine all things online and how they affect your business.
From online retailing to social media, IT and apps, this issue looks at what it takes to put yourself at the forefront of the digital revolution.
You’re probably already on Twitter - even if you aren’t yet meticulously submitting your 140-character musings every few minutes - and you’ve undoubtedly got a personal profile on Facebook. But making these and many other platforms work from a business perspective - and turning that into revenue - is the next step in the journey.
We are already seeing some great examples of fresh produce companies getting that crucial direct engagement with consumers online. A number of apps have been developed, for instance, that allow shoppers to input the fruit and vegetables they have in their fridge and get an instant tailored recipe.
Online retailing is nothing new, of course, but all the supermarkets are actively pushing their activities in this area with the expectation that sales will go through the roof in the coming years.
With online it’s all about bite-sized information in the here and now. Everyone’s doing it, but the challenge is standing out from the crowd.