Five new horticultural research fellowships worth a total of £1.25 million over five years have been announced.

The move is the result of a collaboration between the East Malling Trust (EMT), the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) and Horticultural Development Company (HDC).

The collaboration of EMT, HDC and HTA is a bid to support research and development in the UK following cutbacks in funding for applied research.

The organisations hope that the move will encourage other businesses and groups to do the same.

Lord Selborne presented the awards to scientists and academics from ADAS, East Malling Research, Harper Adams and Stockbridge Technology Centre (STC) at Bradbourne House, East Malling, on 28 April.

He said: “These fellowships will directly support important applied research and grow our industry’s knowledge and skills for the future. They demonstrate the partners’ commitment to the future success of the horticulture industry. By working together we can pool our resources and make a real difference.”

The five fellowships are specifically focused on developing new industry expertise in plant pathology, entomology, weed control and crop production as well as expanding research programmes.

A trainee researcher in plant pathology and crop protection will be appointed at EMR. Ornamentals expertise will be strengthened at STC and two young entomologists will be trained and mentored at ADAS.