Mackle tackles apples

Leading apple processor James Mackle Ltd is using exclusive new technology to supply a preservative-free apple product to the fresh-cut industry.

Always Fresh apples are designed for use in fresh fruit salads or other salad bar products and come in either red or green varieties.

Revolutionary use of exclusive technology means they can retain their colour, crispness, taste and freshness throughout their two-week chilled shelf life, without the use of preservatives.

The fact that they come ready cut means fresh-cut fruit suppliers can eliminate the task of slicing and dipping whole product themselves, saving them a significant amount of time, according to sales manager Anthony Conroy.

Following “considerable interest” at a conference on fresh-cut produce in London last month he said he was confident the new product would be in great demand. “The idea to supply a ready-to-use sliced apple variety such as Granny Smith or Royal Gala that can be added into fresh fruit salads and similar products has come about with the growth in the fresh cut industry.

“With apple being a popular choice in terms of fruit preparation, Always Fresh is sure to make an impact in the current fresh-cut market.”

James Mackle Ltd handles more than 10,000 tonnes of apples each year. The processing is carried out at their two purpose-built factories in Northern Ireland and Cambridgeshire.