
Greta Schrenk of Beets BV 

Beetroot brand Love Beets is promoting its new range of marinated beetroot in four flavours and revamped packaging.

Dutch-based beetroot producer Beetz BV, which was exhibiting at the Amsterdam Produce Show last week and markets Love Beets in Europe, said it is targeting the Netherlands and Germany as particular growth markets for its new range.

Marketing manager Greta Schrenk said: “In Holland there isn’t a lot going on in marinated beets, but there’s a lot of potential here because it’s a locally-grown superfood, rather than something like an avocado that comes from far away.

“With Love Beets we’re trying to reach the younger audience and educate them about the versatility of the product and its many health benefits,” she said. “We’re showing that the traditional vegetable is anything but boring or intimidating, but fun and easy to use.”

Flavours in the range include honey and ginger, mild vinegar, balsamic wedges, and cinnamon and nutmeg. The wedges in particular are a new addition as they are quartered, rather than whole, to increase convenience and make them suitable for salads or side dishes.