Lidl is hoping to spark a healthy eating revolution by kicking off a ‘healthy till’ trial in its 600 stores this week.

Under the 10-week trial, ‘treat’ items such as chocolate are replaced by higher nutritional content products like multivitamin juice and fresh fruit.

The discounter said it will roll the initiative out as a permanent fixture if it proves successful, and is making the move after signing up to the Department of Health’s Responsibility Deal.

'The Healthy Checkout concept and fresh produce rebranding is all part of our increased focus on corporate social responsibility,' a group spokesperson commented. 'The culmination of this is the introduction of a hybrid food labelling system on our product packaging which we have not done before.

'The hybrid food labelling system will comprise both our existing Guideline Daily Amounts (GDAs) as well as a ‘traffic light’ colour coding system, and will be placed on all own label product packaging. This comes in response to a growing consensus that customers wish to see consistent nutritional information on all food packaging in order to help them lead healthier lifestyles.'
