Is Lidl the next super brand?

Is Lidl the next super brand?

Budget supermarket Lidl is set to become the next ‘super brand’ by 2015, according to new poll research released by YouGov on behalf of advertising firm Bordello.

The news comes despite the chain once being voted among brands least favoured by consumers.

Lidl was identified as the brand with the most potential for growth by 2,000 consumers, taking a 27 per cent share of the vote.

"The positive appetite for Lidl in the current market is not surprising," said Scott Wilkinson, Bordello planning partner.

The news comes as Kantar Wordpanel's grocery share figures report, for the 12 weeks ending June 10, saw Lidl achieve a record 2.8 per cent share.

Wilkinson added: "As one of the top 60 UK advertisers in 2011, coupled with a strong commitment to product-led social media campaigns, it seems that shoppers are becoming more comfortable with the idea of a supermarket which sells simply good value produce rather than an ideal or a lifestyle."
