The retail market in Leicester is Great Britain’s favourite. The city-centre market was voted into the top spot by the Association of British Market Authorities. Leicester market, which dates back to Roman times, has been on the same site in the heart of the city for over 700 years and features more than 300 stalls, with displays of fresh vegetables and fruit playing a major part as well as fresh fish and cheeses, from all over the world.
The market attracts more than 2.5 million shoppers every year and is also the largest covered market in Europe. Leicester’s market chief, Nick Rhodes, said: “It is wonderful to win this award because everyone connected to the market works so hard to give visitors vibrant and attractive shopping. In these difficult economic times it continues to offer great value for money.”
Leicester’s market continues to hold its own, despite having to compete with a multi-billion-pound redevelopment of the city’s shopping centre. It opens Monday to Saturday, from 7am to 6pm and also hosts a farmers’ market on the last Wednesday of each month.