Linking Environment and Farming (LEAF) is to celebrate 18 years of tireless work for the agricultural industry with a gala dinner in central London next month, followed by an AGM and president’s event the next day.
The dinner, to be hosted by LEAF’s founding chairman David Richardson OBE on December 1, offers a good opportunity for anyone involved in the industry to come together, network and celebrate LEAF’s coming of age.
One of LEAF’s primary aims is to promote better communication within the industry and this event will be an opportunity for people from all sectors of agriculture to come together. Dinner will be followed by a charity auction and an audience with Raymond Blanc OBE.
The president's event, ‘Making Farming Cool!’, will explore the future of farming, focusing particularly on farming sustainably and making the consumer think sustainably about their buying habits. It will also look at how we can make farming an attractive career to younger generations. Speakers at the event include Mike Barry, who will talk about his success at Marks & Spencer with Plan A, William Day from the Sustainable Development Commission, Ian Pigott and Jon Hammond, LEAF Farmers and Dr Alastair Leake from the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust.
The event includes lunch and refreshments and is followed by a question and answer session with David Richardson, Penelope Bossom, a LEAF Marque producer and Gregg Wallace of MasterChef. This will give delegates a unique insight into the issues affecting the industry from a number of different perspectives.
The gala dinner will be held from 6.30pm-10.30pm on December 1 at the Royal Overseas League, St James’s Street.