Last of the UK asparagus

The last of the UK harvest of asparagus has been cut as the growers responsible celebrate a second seasonal coup.

The Chinn family, growing on Cobrey Farm in Herefordshire, not content with marketing the first asparagus of the season way back on March 30, has also managed to extend the campaign all the way through to July 22.

As with the first consignment, the last of the crop was delivered to the shelves of Marks & Spencer.

The season has been extended with the introduction of new technologies and growing techniques, said John Chinn, joint partner at Cobrey Farm.

Small plastic tunnels are used on south-facing slopes to allow early production, while a later maturing variety is grown on north-facing slopes with special techniques used to grow the later-season asparagus.

Chinn said: “I am looking forward to a 20-week season next year - look out for the first spears in March.”