Large tracts of farming could disappear if government immigration plans are enforced

Large tracts of farming could disappear if government immigration plans are enforced

Government plans to curb immigration has led to a backlash from farming leaders who warned parts of their industry could face closure due to a lack of overseas labourers.

Tim Bennett, president of the National Farmers’ Union has written to food and farming minister Larry Whitty warning that the proposed government plans could limit the farming sectors access to migrant workers.

He said he is worried the moves could mean the end of the Seasonal and Agricultural Workers Scheme (SAWS).

In the letter, he said: “While the UK economy remains strong and there is very low unemployment, agriculture will continue to experience labour shortages.”

Meanwhile, the multiple retailers have said they have nothing to fear from the new government’s new “gangmaster tzar”.

Paul Whitehouse, who will chair the gangmaster licensing authority, said he will name and shame supermarkets found stocking food prepared by illegal labourers and retailers could face prosecution for aiding and abetting.

The leading retailers welcomed the move, stating they were confident they were in the clear on the issue.
