The subject has received massive media attention in recent weeks in the national press, on radio and television. “There is no doubt that it has moved up both the media and political agenda,” said Henderson. “This is because of continuing difficulties with the asylum system which the government has now admitted is out of control.”
The FPC has met recently with both home office minister Beverley Hughes and minister in charge of horticulture Lord Whitty as well as agriculture investigation team, Operation Gangmaster.
“An action plan for a code of practice for gangmasters has been laid out as a precursor for legislation,” said Henderson. “We are getting a lot of input into the process.” Defra has already seconded a member of staff to work with the industry. But what is urgently required is a mechanism to ensure that gangmasters operate within the law. “We are the first to say that there is a problem,” said Henderson, “but we need government help to solve it.”