Tesco and other leading manufacturers who have refused to use the food labelling system recommended by the Food Standards Agency are confusing shoppers, it has emerged.

The FSA traffic light labels system which compares levels of fat, sugar and salt in foods is the most useful for shoppers, according to a survey of 636 shoppers by consumer watchdog Which?

The survey also found that the system adopted by Tesco is the least understood by consumers. A total of 86 per cent of respondents understand Tesco’s Guideline Daily Amount system and just 37 per cent understand its colour-coded labels, compared with 97 per cent who understand the FSA system.

Kellogg’s, Kraft and Walkers have also developed their own labels.

Sue Davies, chief policy advisor for Which?, said: “It is confusing if our supermarket shelves are full of different food labels.”

Tesco said: "While traffic lights may give a simpler initial impression, customers said our system is more useful in adopting a healthier diet."