With all the vitamins and carbohydrates that pears contain they are certainly a healthy fruit. But the woo-ri pears from the Korean province of Gyeonggido, introduced at Fruit Logistica, claim to offer more, because they are grown with groundwater obtained from a depth of 150 metres, which contains gold dust.
According to the Institute for Preventive Medicine at the University of Seoul, which has carried out investigations for three years on 660 subjects, these pears also help to prevent cancer.
On average one litre of urine contains 0.021 micrograms of a cancer-inducing substance, hydroxypyren. After three years these levels sank to 0.005 micrograms. Researchers believe that enzymes bind to the hydroxypyren, enabling the harmful substance to be excreted. Further research is still taking place into these aspects.
“The woo-ri also taste fresh and juicy, they are firm and keep well. In 2003 we exported 70 tonnes of them to France,” said stand director Hyesook Lee from the trading company Kotra Berlin.