Koppert will be showcasing its techniques

Koppert will be showcasing its techniques

Koppert Biological Systems is to present its products at a sustainable greenhouse in New York’s New Amsterdam Village, as part of a celebration of 400 years of friendly relations between the Netherlands and the Big Apple.

Koppert has been asked by the Dutch Embassy in the US to take part in NY400 in September, which marks in 1609 when Dutch ship the Halve Maen (Half Moon) reached what we now know as New York.

The arrival of this ship ultimately led to the foundation of the colony of New Netherland and the trading post of New Amsterdam - which later became New York. NY400 is an initiative of the Dutch cabinet in collaboration with local governments, the Henry Hudson 400 Foundation, various cultural institutions, the business world and Dutch and American private individuals.

A wide range of activities is being organised, intended to promote exchanges in the fields of culture and economics and to promote greater understanding and appreciation of each other.

Koppert will be showcasing its various technologies in the sustainable greenhouse, including biological control and natural pollination.
