Prospects for the Italian kiwifruit season are improving as the campaign progresses with a revised forecast suggesting volumes 27 per cent up on last season at 408,000 tonnes. This figure represents a revision upwards of the prediction made before the season started in September. Sizing is also improved on last year, according to market analyst Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli (CSO) and the percentage of class one fruit is estimated at an impressive 90 per cent compared to 84 per cent last year.
Quality is also improved on last year’s drought-struck crop as vines were under less stress in the cooler summer of 2004 while sugar levels have also benefited. Greek competition was stiff at the beginning of the season, but Italian strategy is paying off with careful planning at the start of the season ensuring that only fruit that tipped the scales at 70g was marketed, leaving Italian producers in a strong position at this stage in the season, said CSO director Valtiero Mazzotti.