Research has revealed that kiwifruit may cause more health problems than it cures.
A report involving more than 30,000 patients has shown that the number of people showing a positive food intolerance to kiwifruit rose by more than 280 per cent in just three years.
In a science that deals with illness through food elimination, the super fruit is being linked to symptoms such as bloating, fatigue, eczema, migraine and weight gain.
The information reveals that from December 2002, the total number of patients who registered positive to the exotic overseas fruit after taking a Yorktest Laboratory FoodScan food intolerance test was 4.4 per cent. In less than three years, that increased to 13.7 per cent, a rise of 211 per cent.
Most recent figures for the period up to the end of March 2007 suggest a total number of people registering a positive sensitivity to kiwifruit stands at 17.1 per cent - a rise of 288 per cent.
The study suggests three reasons why there may have been an increase in sensitivity to kiwifruit; firstly, availability and consumption of the fruit has increased since it was introduced to the UK; secondly, a loyal fan base of buyers are eating the food on a more regular basis and becoming sensitive because of more regular and contact; and thirdly, where previously the source of illness may not have been linked to food intolerance, the current medical climate makes it possible to identify particular foods as the root cause of ill health.