The group's chairman Angus Davison announced that turnover rose by 29 per cent, the balance sheet by 45 per cent, rebate by 59 per cent and its general reserve by 69 per cent. Profit after tax and rebate has also risen by 200 per cent. 'This has been achieved for an average effective commission rate paid by our growers (after contribution to EU assets and rebate) of a remarkable 4.3 per cent,' said Davison at the group's agm on April 29.
He added that an early and high-yielding year counterbalanced large labour cost increases. 'Volumes picked rose by 26 per cent from a similar acreage,' said Davison. '...Those who wish to expand are doing so more quickly than ever before.' Md Nick Marston said: 'We are delighted with last year's UK season and with the continued development of our year-round import business. The critical mass KG has now achieved with a forecast turnover for 2003 of £85 million means we are now able to offer our growers ever better services, access to exclusive variety material and what we believe to be the most comprehensive and cost effective marketing service available.' l