Phil Acock

Phil Acock

The well-recognised Marks & Spencer adverts are well known for their mouth watering and somewhat seductive approach to presenting food on television.

The adverts have grown in popularity among the nation with the memorable tag line, ‘This is not just food…this is M&S food’.

And the high street retailer has just introduced a new apple pie to its winter selection, which it features in the latest advert. The stars of the show are the Kent-grown Bramley apples that make up the pie filling, which is supplied by Fourayes.

Phil Acock, managing director of Fourayes, said: “The Marks & Spencer adverts have done phenomenally well and to be a part of the apple pie advertisement is a fantastic opportunity for us. Marks & Spencer not only portrays quality but also nationalism. We are very pleased that Kent Bramley apples are linked with this well known brand.”