Produced in Kent, the champion of Kent’s local food and drink producers and restaurateurs, has unveiled a new recipe and cookery competition for Kent’s secondary school students with an arty judge.

The Kent Young Chef Award, set to be presented by creative children’s TV presenter Neil Buchanan, is designed to encourage young people to create and cook with locally grown food and seasonal produce in the Garden of England, while connecting a new generation to a potential career as a chef.

Students are being invited to get their creative hats on and write an innovative and original recipe for a main dish for two which, wherever possible, uses ingredients that are grown and produced in Kent.

The brand new Kent Young Chef Award is sponsored by local foodservice supplier kff,and will see eight young finalists cook their recipe entry in a live final at the catering school at Thanet College on November 27.

The two young chefs who create the best recipes (in the junior and senior categories) will be presented with their prestigious award by Buchanan, the longstanding presenter of TV’s award-winning Art Attack.

Buchanan said: “I’ve always been a passionate believer in creativity and I can’t wait to see the recipes that Kent’s kids are going to dream up and cook for us at Thanet College. Creativity is incredibly important to me, so go on kids, ‘try it at home’ and see what you can cook up with this fab competition from Produced in Kent.”
