Over 200 MPs have signed the Parliamentary Early Day Motion 404 to protect children from junk food adverts before 9pm. One of the reasons behind the success of the motion in Parliament was a postcard campaign ran by the British Heart Foundation and the Children's Food Campaign, resulting in over 1,500 members of the public writing to their MP, asking them to support the campaign, to date.

This boost for the campaign for a 9pm watershed comes as the first of the new restrictions on junk food advertising came into effect at the beginning of April. A 9pm watershed restriction on high fat, sugar and salt foods will reduce children's exposure to this type of advertising by 82 per cent. Such a measure is supported by a broad coalition of health, children's and consumer groups as well as by Ofcom's own advisory committee for England, the Office of the Children's Commissioner, and the Food Standards Agency.

Maura Gillespie, head of policy and public affairs at the British Heart Foundation said: "The polls show that the public wants a 9pm watershed for junk food adverts. Our postcard campaign has given thousands of individuals the chance to make their voice heard in this debate."