The tomato season in Jersey is up and running with first arrivals of new season Elegance large vine tomatoes and beefsteak tomatoes expected in stores early next week, according to the Jersey Produce Marketing Organisation. And early season Aranca from Jersey kicked the season off and have been on the market for three weeks.
"What we are doing slightly differently this year is that we have bought in a lot of plants that traditionally we would sourced on the island," said JPMO's William Church. "The advantage is that the trusses are slightly higher up and the there is more air movement around the plant. This should give us more fruit more quickly than usual."
Loose round tomatoes (pictured) came on stream last week and sales have been strong. "Loose round sold at as much as £10 a tray with Pennington of Manchester last week," said Church. "We are very excited about the forthcoming season . Light levels have been good and although they vary by nursery, they have been even better on the south side of the island where they started picking beefsteak in the middle of this week."
The company has also increased programmes with major multiples this year.