Jersey Royal producers have signed a deal to extend the marketing of their crop to foodservice and independent retailers.

An agreement between the Jersey Royal Potato Marketing Company and marketers Naturally Best will see the profile of the crop raised in the catering and independent sectors.

Tim Ward, from Jersey Royal, said: “This is the start of a very strong alliance, to help promote the Jersey Royal into the foodservice sector and smaller retailers not easily reached in previous years.”

Simon Martin, sales director with Naturally Best, said: “This alliance will allow a more focused campaign into the foodservice sector and add another superb tasting product to our expanding range.”

The deal will see Jersey Royal potatoes offered in 500g pre-packs of count 20s, both washed and dirty, a 1kg pack of count 14s, and a 5kg bag and 10kg box of dirty potatoes. All of the products will be strongly branded in the Jersey Royal livery.