Jazz apples backed the Fruity Friday campaign to get people to eat more fresh fruit, and helped to raise money for the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) UK.
The second annual WCRF Fruity Friday encouraged people to eat more fruit and vegetables by raising awareness about the link between a healthy diet and a reduced risk of developing cancer.
The campaign culminated in two Beat the Banana! 5km fun races in London and Bristol, where runners could refresh themselves with a well-deserved Jazz apple after the race.
The day was also supported by Bristol-based Somerfield who was keen to promote the message of healthy eating. The supermarket encouraged members of staff to compete in the fun run, and employees who donated £1 to the WCRF were given a free Jazz apple.
Jazz apples also sponsored an interactive scratch poster in the run up to Fruity Friday, helping to spread the message that healthy eating can help the fight against cancer across Britain.
The poster consisted of 40 scratch-away squares and was distributed to 24,000 workplaces, schools and health professionals, as well as the general public around the UK. Behind 39 of the squares were pictures of normal pieces of fruit, while one square hid Fruity Friday’s mascot Pip the Strawberry.
Participants were encouraged to pay £1 to write their name under a square on the poster.
Each participant scratched off their square on Fruity Friday and the person who revealed Pip the Strawberry won half the money, while the other £20 will be sent on to the WCRF.
Jazz apples is a relative newcomer to the British market and has recently undertaken the largest ever apple planting programme in the UK involving 200,000 trees. This means that the first British grown Jazz apples will be on the shelves within two years.
The variety is a cross between Braeburn and Royal Gala, with a shiny reddish skin and a crisp bite.
The Jazz name is the brainchild of the UK team at Worldwide Fruit, which is based in Spalding and Canterbury.
Gary Harrison, commercial manager for Worldwide Fruit, said: “Fruity Friday is a fun and exciting opportunity to promote the serious issue of cancer and how healthy eating can protect you against it.
“We are delighted that Worldwide Fruit, through its Jazz apples brand, has been able to help Fruity Friday take its message to Bristol and London with the Beat the Banana! runs and all around the UK with the scratch posters.”