produce view 13th june 2014

aldi super 6

This week's Super 6 promotion at Aldi

Football and Father’s Day are competing for consumers’ pounds this week, in the minds of the major supermarkets at least. In fact you can’t click on a retailer’s homepage without seeing the obligatory Brazilian flag or pack of boxer shorts for your dad.

Beer and snacks are inevitably taking centre stage in retail promotions, but there are still offers on fresh food to be found, particularly at the discounters.

At Aldi, this week’s Super 6 low-price fruit and veg, selling for 69p each, are baby corn, Romaine lettuce, oranges, large vine tomatoes, mushrooms and fun-size bananas.

Lidl’s ‘Great Savings on Fruit and Veg’ section includes Oaklands for Kids Funsize Apples and Pears, 10p off at 89p for each pack.

Aldi’s not the only store favouring 69p for its reductions, with Sainsbury’s also getting in on the act. It has a range of products from aubergine and broccoli to celery and melon at that price.

Elsewhere it is a time of serenity in this week’s basket of 10 leading lines, with only one single price movement in the big-five stores.

That came at Asda, which took a two-pack of sweetcorn off the round-pound promotional point and returned it to £1.70.

Morrisons is continuing to reposition itself at the discount end by offering the lowest or joint-lowest price on cauliflower (99p), celery (69p), Little Gem (69p), onions (69p) and raspberries (£2).

Click on the gallery image (right) to view the full basket.


Jersey Royals are a favourite on consumers’ plates at this time of year.

Lidl has 750g of the seasonal potato for just 75p, which is 25 per cent off this week. The Co-operative has the same-sized pack for £1.50 – 50p off.

At Waitrose, 500g of baby Jersey Royals are £1.75 and include a loyalty card offer.

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