Ventana: season-opener in Spain

Ventana: season-opener in Spain

Cold nights in Spain are slowing fruit development slightly in strawberries from the main south-western production area of Huelva. Nevertheless, conditions are generally good with little rainfall or wind.

“Some growers are finding that Ventana can produce earlier and are taking advantage of that,” said John Grieve of importer Lisons. “They are growing some volumes hydroponically and we have started receiving some fruit already, slightly ahead of last year.” Some producers have also planted out fully grown plants with complete roots which, although expensive, bear fruit far more quickly so that Lisons was able to receive limited volumes even before Christmas. “The season will not really get going until the end of the month,” he said. “Conditions were favourable for early planting this year in some areas so we could be running up to a week ahead of last year.”

At Alconera, Bill Ashby reports that growers have planted less early Ventana than last year. “The nights have been very cold too so we are a bit behind on last year, but the season is looking very good. There is no shortage of water, but it is not raining either so we are happy.” Alconera is also supply early Driscoll varieties such as Agoura in tandem with Ventana.