Abundant rains this week, far from alleviating a serious drought problem in Sicily and southern Italy have damaged fruit, vegetable and wine-grape production. Producers' representative organisation Confagricoltura said that far from helping regions that have waited expectantly for rain over recent months, the damage caused has added to producers' woes.

The situation is now so serious that it is being discussed this week at ministerial level with representatives from the regions with a view to approving an emergency water plan by the end of the week. Confagricoltura is also seeking compensation for businesses whose production has been hardest hit and its water emergency committee is also meeting this week. The organisation has also warned that across the whole of agriculture, its members are facing losses totalling some ?3.5bn. It is also hoping its national government will secure the early release of EU funds destined for farmers in September.

The Mezzogiorno region has also reportedly suffered theft from reservoirs at the hands of desperate local growers as well as, allegedly, organised criminal gangs. And in some areas the situation has become so serious that the Italian army has been called in to guard reservoirs against further water theft.
