Fresh produce from Italy now represents a quarter of European production, agricultural organisation Coldiretti has revealed.
The Mediterranean country produces 30 million tones of fruit and vegetables a year and Italian acreage amounts to 1.3m hectares, according to Coldiretti figures.
Italy is the largest kiwi producer in the world and the second-largest tomato producer for processing industry.
The country is the first producer of table grapes, pears, peaches, artichokes and aubergines on the European market and the second-largest producer of apples and citrus.
Italy also imported 3.4mt of fresh produce in 2006.
The average Italian household spends around €80 a month on fresh products - which make up 16 per cent of household purchases, said Coldiretti.
Italian consumers eat 417 grams of fruit and vegetables a day behind only Greek consumers who eat 580g/day.