Israeli plum supplies are set to come on line around 10 days earlier than usual, despite the recent hailstorm which struck the eastern Galilee region.
“Overall, the weather during the winter period in export production areas was very good, with plenty of chill hours required to ensure a good crop,” Steve Hopkins, sales manager at Israeli produce giant Agrexco UK, told FPJ. “The recent hailstorm did not affect crop quality, and supplies in the main will be available earlier than in other years.”
The season will kick off in mid-May with the early season variety Red Beaut, available if the market requires it, but the main season will commence in week 21 with Vania, continuing through to November with other varieties.
“We are focusing heavily on the best varieties, such as red-fleshed plums,” explained Hopkins. “Agrexco has a close relationship with Seffi Ben-Dor, who works exclusively with us on all stonefruit varieties.
“His cultivation system meets our customer, and in turn consumer, demand for high-quality, good-tasting fruit with good shelf life. His exclusive Plumegranite (deep, red, juicy flesh) and watermelon varieties contain high levels of anti-oxidants, comparable to other ‘super’ fruits, whilst also being packed with flavour. Yellow plum varieties such as Lamoon and Sunset should be in consistent supply from the end of June through until the end of September.”
Agrexco is also due to harvest its first volumes of apricots on April 30. Quantities are expected to be double those of 2006, with 20 per cent of production to consist of new varieties such as Aromacot and coloured apricots, all developed by Ben-Dor.
“We see these varieties, especially Aromacot, as the future for UK multiples,” said Hopkins. “Its superior taste and high brix levels will have great consumer appeal.”
Quantity and quality of peaches and nectarines are also looking good at this stage, according to Agrexco. Early-season peach varieties will be available in week 17, followed by nectarines, both white- and yellow-fleshed, from week 19.