On the back of a high volume season in 2004-05, Israeli citrus exports have fallen by 18 per cent in the 2005-06 season to date.
From the beginning of the season until the end of April, export volume amounted to 137,318 tonnes, compared with 166,639t during the same period last year.
Statistics released by the citrus section of Israel’s Plants Production and Marketing Board show that the export of shamouti oranges was down 36 per cent, grapefruit sendings were down 23 per cent, lemon exports fell by 45 per cent, Michal easy peeler dropped by 40 per cent, Mor easy peeler down 65 per cent and Or easy peeler fell by 23 per cent.
On the positive side, the export of navels was up 184 per cent, to 1,203t against 424t the year before, limquat sendings were up 79 per cent and white pomelo exports had risen by 36 per cent year-on-year to 2,169t.