Negotiations are underway between the EU and Israel on the improvement of trade terms regarding agricultural product and food exports from the latter country.

The Israeli delegation comprises executives from the Israeli ministry of industry and trade and the ministry of agriculture. Reports from Brussels explain the two parties are formulating a list of products that would benefit from mutually improved terms regarding customs and levies, which could add up to millions of euros once they come into effect.

An Israeli official explained that the development will sustain Israel’s competitiveness on the EU market.

Israel and the EU reached an agreement regarding exports under preferred terms of fruit juices from Israel, as a compensation for cancelling trade deals between Israel and Romania and Bulgaria, which are now both EU members.

The current trade agreement between Israel and the EU was signed in 1996 and came into effect in 2000. Even after updating the agreement in 2003, mutual trade improvements were rather limited.

The official noted that the EU is Israel's main market, to which 75 per cent of its fresh produce and processed foods are exported. The bulk of Isralie export to the EU is comprised of fresh produce.