The system, which gives a fast and accurate means of weighing, is in use by Dutch production giant The Greenery.
Now being used for strawberries, the system speeds up the packing process by enabling workers to concentrate on handling the fruit.
The Greenery's previous system involved automated handling and rough-weighing to limit potential damage to delicate soft fruit.
But the packing line provided by Ishida uses two checkweighers to provide consistent weight within specified times allowing deliveries to be met on-target.
Underweight and overweight packs can be corrected at speed by a specially designed arm that avoids damaging the fruit. Of the punnets reaching the second checkweigher at any time, over 80 per cent will reach the required weight.
Eric van Roosmalen, product unit manager at The Greenery, said: 'The Ishida installation is capable of delivering up to three pallet-loads an hour, whereas the original specification was two per hour.' The checkweighers give controllers numerical and graphical information on the process. They are also capable of handling other delicate fruits such as lychees.
Roosmalen added: 'We add value for our growers by providing an attractively packed and lidded product.
'We have actually gained customers because we are able to guarantee that every punnet is of the correct weight and has been metal checked.
'And because of the hygiene and safety aspects, we have no trouble in meeting the tough BRC codes which many of our big UK supermarket customers insist on.'