Call me a pessimist, but by the time you read this, I’ll expect Tim Henman will have managed to crash out of Wimbledon (probably against some unseeded has-been or 15-year-old newcomer).
Let’s face it, the only winner Britain ever sees at Wimbledon these days is on the fruit front, with strawberries proving a regular favourite, aided and abetted by a bit of cream of course.
So it’s particularly timely to see Angus Soft Fruits looking to cause a stir with the launch of the first branded offer into the category.
The company said it is hoping its Ava brand will emulate the success of the likes of Pink Lady apples.
At the same time, MBM have launched a new brand into the potato category. Potato Lovers is aimed at clearing up consumer confusion in the sector.
Both moves are interesting and add a new dimension of interest to their respective categories, however, it remains to be seen how well the moves are received by the retailers.
It is no secret the big multiples have become more and more defensive of the produce sector, with brand appearances in the aisles few and far between. The ongoing uncertainty over the Pink Lady brand in Asda stores is a case in point, with the retailer refusing to pay the premium on the fruit. Brands in fresh produce have to add a real difference if the retailers are going to play along.
Hopefully, Ava and Potato Lovers can meet those requirements and pique consumer interest.
And, oh alright then, c’mon Tim.