International participation rises in Berlin

International participation rises in Berlin

Fruit Logistica continues to get more international with each year, figures from organisers suggest.

Compared to last year's trade exhibition, the share of foreign trade visitors increased from 76 per cent to 78 per cent earlier this month. Of those, around 70 per cent came from EU member states and eight per cent from other countries in Europe. Ten per cent came from the Americas, six per cent from Africa, five per cent from Asia and one per cent from Oceania.

Most trade visitors identified themselves as representatives of import/export companies, fruit and vegetable growers or wholesale/retail companies.

Despite the significant increase in the number of people attending Fruit Logistica this year, the share of trade visitors with high-level decision-making authority remained unchanged. Around 78 per cent (2006: 74 per cent) of the trade visitors attending the event are managing directors, directors or department heads. 76 per cent (2006: 74 per cent) said that they are directly or indirectly responsible for procurement decisions in their organisation.
