Following its recent agm, Interflora has promoted finance director Rhys Hughes and operations director Maurice DeCastro. Interflora members voted with an 85 per cent majority to approve the decision.

Hughes' focus since joining the company last year has been to bring a different approach to decision making and management. He is currently involved with projects including the development of long-term business planning and a review of Interflora's commercial operation.

He said: 'Executive directors will bring more of a cross-functional perspective to the board table. We will bring more technical skills as well as greater commercial skills to the decision making process. We will provide more experience in project management, implementation of initiatives and assessment of opportunities.' Since joining Interflora in December 2001, DeCastro has been leading projects including the drive towards improved efficiency and service levels within the call centres and customer care processes.

He commented: 'Sitting on the board will give a greater sense of ownership and accountability. Passion and commitment is bound to be higher if contributing to the decision-making process rather than influencing from a distance.'