Intercitrus elects new president

Spanish citrus promotion body Intercitrus has unanimously elected José Martínez as new president at its annual general meeting this week.

Martínez, who represents the citrus management committee, will take on the presidency for the 2012-13 season from Felipe Juan who represented the electoral college of producers.

Both outgoing and incoming presidents highlighted the “need for the citrus sector to remain united” in order to benefit the common interests of the Spanish citrus sector.

They said that although Intercitrus is going through a “complicated period” its priorities remain the same and that is to truly represent the citrus supply chain.

Marta Valsangiacomo, director general of the department for food businesses at the Valencia regional executive, closed the meeting by stressing the importance of supply-chain trade organisations such as Intercitrus given prevailing market conditions. She also expressed: “unwavering support for Intercitrus on the part of the regional executive.”

The presidency of Intercitrus rotates each year among representatives of the three different sectors: producers, marketers and processors.