Innovative mango pack hits Tesco

Innovative mango pack hits Tesco

Total Exotics have designed an innovative pressure pad tray system to reduce flat spotting of fruit while it is in the supply chain to be launched into Tesco.

The tray, manufactured by Agripack, offers more protection to delicate and ready-to-eat products.

At the base of the tray, the plastic has been formed to create an inverted dome shape which when weight of fruit is located in the cell the plastic reshapes itself to the contour of the fruit - it operates almost like a natural air suspension system.

If the fruit is removed the dome reshapes itself back to its original form and can be reused over again as required.

Stuart Campbell, head of product development, said: “We need to ensure that any packaging we do use offers more added value functionality where possible. We take very seriously our packaging obligation commitments and you will see the tray also has had the majority of the central pillar removed versus other conventional designs with the aim of reducing weight and of course we use less raw material. We are currently looking at other innovative designs on other products in our range with the aim of giving the end customer an overall better purchasing experience.”

The tray has been launched in Tesco stores.