Alan Davey

Alan Davey

Alan Davey has been appointed director of innovations at Linpac Plastics, a provider of packaging throughout the UK and Europe.

Davey will have responsibility for harvesting ideas for new product development throughout Linpac Plastics and Linpac Recycling.

Davey, who has worked at the business for 28 years, first joined the company as a chemical engineer to assist with the development of PET bottle production. During his career, Alan has successfully carried out a number of technical and project briefs.

He was part of the team that started Linpac Recycling in 1992, a business that has grown to be the biggest recycler of rigid plastics in the UK.

Davey said: “Linpac has a huge amount of potential, with a history of innovation and packaging ‘firsts’ as well as a first-class, creative work force.

“We are now going to be actively pushing forward new innovations, both within the food packaging sector and the recycling business. I am very excited by the new position and hope that through it Linpac will continue to be known for its innovative approach to new product development.”

Linpac specialises in developing innovative packaging solutions to suit packers, retailers and consumers.