David Hirst of ColeACP is assisting the European Commission (DG Sanco) in preparing a comprehensive list of minor tropical and sub-tropical crops that are exported to the EU, particularly those produced in ACP countries, to assess their importance to the trade in the countries of origin.
ColeACP, the European trade body for the African and Caribbean producer nations, is undertaking the work as the European Commission continues its major review of the regulations relating to pesticides and pesticide residues in food. The list will form a basis for attempts to harmonise Maximum Residue Levels for all horticultural products with any economic significance that enter the EU.
Hirst, the UK representative of ColeACP, told the Journal: “MRLs based on good agricultural practice protocols have not been established for many smaller volume crops, including relatively widely sold crops such as papaya, dasheen, ginger, carambola, loquats, feijoa and durian. They are therefore included in the ‘others’ section of the EC’s MRL list.
“There is a serious danger that some of those crops, for which commercial production requires a limited amount of pesticide use, may soon be prevented from entering EU markets due to the lack of an established MRL, even though they may present no health risk at all.”
Hirst has already compiled a list of product names, and Latin names where possible. However, he would like to hear from any importer or producer of crops in this category that can provide relevant information to assist in the study. “We would not want to see these products excluded from the market because information that is available was not made accessible to the right parties,” he said.
Contact dhirst@candoo.plus.com, fax on 01905 794064 or telephone on 01905 794749.