Inflatable chill stores could be a secret weapon for growers who need flexible storage to meet seasonal demands, it was claimed ahead of the start of the UK season.
Manufacturer Dawsonrentals Ltd said the structures are key to maintaining quality and extending shelf life for UK potato growers, with no access restrictions and quick installation.
A potato and vegetable grower in Lincolnshire, which required flexible and adaptive chill storage to meet the seasonal demands of Jersey and new potatoes, has been put forward as a case study.
The company stored Jersey and new potatoes at 5ºC in the inflatable chill store to slow down bacterial activity, helping to maintain freshness and extend the shelf life of the potatoes, and prevent produce rejection from leading supermarkets.
It can be installed on any surface, either inside buildings or on mezzanine floors, and it is ideal for storage or preparation, or as a packing area.