The Northern Ireland office of the Freight Transport Association (FTA) has welcomed the announcement by regional development minister Conor Murphy MLA of the preferred route for the creation of a new dual carriageway on the A26 between Ballymena and Ballymoney. The A26 road improvement scheme has been one of FTA’s key trade routes which urgently requires attention by DRD Roads Service and the freight transport sector in particular, in order to improve transport efficiency and contain rising costs.

FTA’s regional policy manager for Northern Ireland, Tom Wilson, said: “We very much welcome this announcement and now look forward to progress on the completion of all statutory procedures so that construction of the road may be completed as quickly as possible.

“For far too long industry, residents and road users in this area have been calling for action to improve the standard and safety of the A26, and for very good reasons.

“A growing economy requires a roads network up to the job and the ever increasing delays on this route, which carries 18,000 vehicles per day, have not been acceptable. The new road will help the environment, improve road safety and aid the economy and we look forward to the project going ahead without delay.”