Organiser Linking Environment And Farming (LEAF) is gearing up for this year’s Open Farm Sunday.

The event, set to take place on 12 June, provides farmers and growers with an ideal opportunity to help their neighbours and customers discover their commitment to the countryside and how they produce safe, affordable food.

LEAF research shows that 80 per cent of farmers and growers taking part last year reported real business benefits including increased sales, better community relations,

Visitors can partake in various activities including visiting a celery farm in Cambridgeshire, a fruit farm in Essex, pig racing in Wales, woolspinning in Oxfordshire and a food festival on the Humber.

Last year around 184,000 visitors attended events on 420 farms and LEAF is calling on even more farms to open up this year.

Caroline Drummond, LEAF’s CEO, said: “We’re keen for farmers to help us build on last year’s success. Hundreds of farms have already registered and we’re hearing wonderful things about what they’ve all got planned - from small private events for the local community to farms that are expecting hundreds and for a few, even thousands of visitors. Last year more than 6,000 people across the farming industry helped make it happen, so even if you can’t open yourself, don’t forget to offer your support by linking up with your nearest participating farm.”
