The grapefruit season in the principal Florida growing area of Indian River is progressing well, despite last month’s freeze.

The US department of agriculture has revised its crop forecast for the state downwards and if realised, final output will be 13 per cent less than last season’s 21.7 million boxes: a 700,000 decline on last month’s forecast.

But Doug Bournique of the Indian River citrus league is extremely upbeat about the 2009-10 campaign. He told freshinfo: “We came through the freeze in great shape.

“The only losses here in the Indian River have been to the very young trees, and grapefruit production losses are minimal. It is still very cold here with temperatures in the 40°Fs, but it is ideal citrus weather as it keeps diseases down.”

Grapefruit availability from the area is likely to continue until late April.