Professor Philip Richardson, CCFRA, Ben Salisbury, International Agri Technology Centre, Derek Williams, Improve, Derek Pickles, Hamilton Grant, and Sandra Warne and Lyn Solomons, both from the British Consulate

Professor Philip Richardson, CCFRA, Ben Salisbury, International Agri Technology Centre, Derek Williams, Improve, Derek Pickles, Hamilton Grant, and Sandra Warne and Lyn Solomons, both from the British Consulate

Food safety experts from the UK have visited South Africa to offer advice to food and drink employers ahead of the 2010 Football World Cup, which the country is set to host.

Derek Williams, development director at food and drink sector skills council Improve, was part of an International Agri-Technology Centre delegation invited to help South Africa’s food and drink industry build capacity and performance before the influx of tourists expected in 2010. “The invitation recognised the UK’s position as a world leader on food safety policy and practice,” he said. “Although the visit was focused on preparing for the World Cup, it was also designed to offer general advice on how the country’s huge food and drink export industry can meet European food safety standards.”

The five-day trip was centred around a seminar in Cape Town, at which Williams promoted the UK’s approach to training and development in food safety. “I highlighted the fact that skills needs must dictate qualifications and training, rather than the other way round,” he said. “Here in the UK, this has been made possible through the work Improve has done with employers and training providers to develop National Occupational Standards, and to reform qualifications, all in response to sector needs.”

Williams was joined by Derek Pickles from Hamilton Grant, who offered advice about the preparation of specifications for national and international food trade, and professor Philip Richardson, head of food manufacturing technology at Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association (CCFRA).

Richardson provided guidance on effective food safety management and safe product innovation. “Assurance of food safety is at the heart of the management of effective food supply chains,” he said. “The chains must be integrated from agricultural raw material production through production to retail and the consumer. A key element of this is the implementation of effective quality management systems that support the delivery of high quality safe products for both the national and export markets.”

During the remainder of the trip, the delegation met representatives from government departments and public bodies concerned with training and development in food and drink processing.

A meeting also took place with Food Bev SETA, a body that is best equivalent to Improve in South Africa. “It was helpful to compare the solutions that each organisation has developed in response to the differing skills needs in the two countries,” said Williams. “I’m confident we will continue to work together, learning from each other’s experience and sharing good practice, especially in standards development.”