As much as I would like to find holes in it – and there are some – there is no doubt the new Childhood Obesity Strategy is a groundbreaking level of ambition that is globally unprecedented.
Much praise should be heaped on the government for grasping the nettle, particularly the officials who have toiled behind the scenes to get the various elements over the line, and the campaigners and citizens who have generated so much public demand for bold action.
So what’s on the list? First up, a bold target: halving childhood obesity by 2030 and very importantly tackling the big gap between rich and poor.
Then they will announce plans to consult on mandatory calorie labelling in cafés, restaurants and fast food joints; banning junk food advertising on TV up to the 9pm watershed; restricting price promotions which encourage overconsumption of junk food both in shops and when we’re eating out; ending the sale of energy drinks to children; restricting positioning of junk food in prominent places; and the threat of an extension of the sugar levy if the voluntary sugar reduction and calorie-reduction programmes don’t deliver.
There’s also a big new programme with local authorities to show what can be done with planning restrictions and work on the business case for action; more work in schools; an increase in the voucher value of Healthy Start; and strengthening the nutrition elements of the Government Buying Standards.
This is an impressive list, but we can’t count on much of it yet because it has to be consulted on. This is fair enough, but it does mean a 12-week consultation period and then more time for drawing up the various policies. We mustn’t forget that there is lots of scope for watering this down. We have to keep up the pressure and continue to make the case for why these measures matter so much for the health of our kids.
And it’s only impressive if it’s actually delivered. We did a little review of what’s been done since the last plan was announced nearly two years ago and it’s frankly a dismal record of progress. Great work on the sugar tax and progress on the sugar-reduction plan, but many of the original plans have yet to be implemented. This is why we are calling for the government to have a task force which monitors progress towards the 2030 target. It should be chaired by a minister and include external people (like us!) to hold their feet to the fire.
As for what’s missing, there’s not a lot on children’s early years – and this is the time that really matters. We currently have the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world and only voluntary guidance for food in nurseries. And, frankly, while we’re at it, we should ban junk food sponsoring of sports.
I would hope for this plan to be part of a much more concerted effort by the whole of government to get our food system on track for both healthy eating and environmental sustainability and protection.
I’m beginning to imagine my ten-year-old son telling his children: “When I was a kid we ate all of these foods that made us fat and unhealthy, and now they’re no longer allowed”. Exciting times indeed.