Food safety bosses are considering plans to test a range of spices imported into the UK for illegal dyes.

Tumeric, chilli, paprika and cayenne pepper are likely to be investigated following a number of alerts over potentially cancer-causing dyes.

Earlier this year a major scare was sparked by the discovery of Sudan I which prompted a recall of more than 600 food lines, and last month illegal dye Para Red was found in some Old El Paso Dinner Kits.

Tesco also recalled some batches of its own-brand barbecue flavoured rice cakes, after they were found to contain both Sudan I and Para Red.

Around the same time Bart Spices Ltd recalled its own brand ground paprika and Co-op brand ground paprika, again due to contamination with Para Red.

The European Commission, also in April, ordered foods containing palm oil and tumeric be added to a list of products which must be certified as safe before being imported into the EU, in case they contain Sudan I.

Reports are now suggesting the Food Standards Agency is preparing to produce a formal plan for the latest checks.

It said nothing had been decided, but it planned to talk to members of the food industry and technical experts.
