The European Commission is discussing the future of the Entry Price System, a measure to protect the EU market from cheap imports of up to 15 products, including apples, citrus and tomatoes.
These discussions are at an early stage and the industry has an opportunity to influence the debate.
The European Commission believes the translation of the protection offered by the Entry Price System into a straightforward import duty would give the EU some bargaining power in the WTO world trade negotiations.
The immediate effect would be higher import duties for all origins, regardless of whether the product has a high or low value. This increased duty rate would then be gradually dismantled as a result of the WTO talks.
Our impression is that UK importers rarely have problems with additional duties imposed because their produce falls below the Entry Price (but there are exceptions - normally industrial-grade fruit for juicing).
A change to the system would mean higher import duties despite importing high value, high quality goods, so our initial feeling is that a change as currently envisaged would disadvantage UK importers.
We would welcome your views on this subject. Please contact Douglas at the FPC office.